How AI can help with event spending

Do artificial intelligence (AI) tools calculate conference costs or potential ROI?

How awesome would it be if an app, fueled by AI, could tell you which conferences to sponsor?

Unfortuantely, AI can't reduce the actual cost of the trade shows you're considering, but work has been done to help.

If the percentage of trade show attendees which are potential ideal prospects for you can be tallied, chances are a machine learning algorithm could then incorporate the cost of a series of shows, and then rank the potential ROI of the events.

The system starts by analyzing prior attendee numbers, sponsor lists and session content, then comparing the data against information from your customer relationship management (CRM) platform, “map[ping] what conferences, trade shows and events their clients and prospects are attending. From there, the client can use that information to weigh the concentration of clients, revenue and costs of attending or sponsoring a trade show or conference.

Tools can be found such as SummitSync and TechTarget’s Priority Engine and Seattle-based startup Outreach. Many tools such as Jifflenow offer post-event sales tracking dashboards.


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