5 reasons exhibiting at a home show is a smart marketing move

Get facetime and feedback from customers:

You definitely want to meet your customers in person, especially if you've got some good success stories to share. There's nothing like hearing a testimonial in person at your booth. You can also ask for feedback or survey customers to improve customer service or find out more about why you have their business.

Generate new leads and find New Sales Opportunities:

You may be in a rut with the same old cold calling or print ads. Your business may need a new lead stream. What better way than to drop your skilled sales team right in the middle of an invasion of salivating prospects. Home show marketing will also compliment other strategic initiatives such as social media or search  engine advertising.

Watch the competition and discover new hot products:

Stand side by side proudly with your competitors, and learn more about their specialties, selling techniques, and more. Basically, you want to be in the discussion!

Find new channels, resellers or employees:

Home shows can be full of industry vendors and product distributors who are always looking for good products to add to their repertoire. And who knows - the exhibitor across the aisle from your booth may turn out to be your future business partner or employee.

Connect and make new contacts:

Exchanging a business card with another exhibitor at our home shows can often lead to a lifelong acquaintance, a potential lead, or a evangelistic referrer. With the emergence of LinkedIn, these new contacts are always a click away from contact.


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