5 tips to turn your home show exhibit into gold

5 tips to make your home show exhibit a success (or turn to gold, as the title of this blog implies!)

We've assembled some of the best tips from successful marketers who've done very well at our shows, generating enough ROI to sign up for the next year.

- Handouts are expected...standout with a unique handout!
Rather than giving away thumbdrives like everyone else, choose something unique and of value. This will help make their visit to your booth memorable. Create buzz by encouraging social media posts of the attendees using your item!

- Use email marketing to attract attendees before the show
Greet your potential customers before the day of the show. Inform them of contests and prizes and ensure they stop by. Welcome them with a familiar smile.

- Offer to help other exhibitors
Network with your neighbors. Find out about their target customers and offer to exchange referrals.
- Invite your best-performing customers to attend
Make sure your best customers attend the show and ask them to spend some time in your booth. There will be no better showcase for your products or services than a satisfied customer!

- Measure your success
Plan out your show goals and objectives. Determine what metric will be measured to determine the success of the show. This is critical for future marketing efforts.


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