Exhibitor essentials: don't forget the power strip..or anything else!

Make a list of everything you need. I do this for work and for personal, I include items like medication, razors, change of clothes, lotions, Advil, etc.

The all-important work list is your main priority, but even the most prepared of us are bound to leave something off the list. Here are the things we often have neglected to pack at one time or another.

- Power strip! Of course!
- Literature
- Tablecloth
- Signs for your raffle prizes

- Sign-up sheets for those who've forgotten their cards. Much of this is replaced by the badge-scanning technology we've all seen emerge.

- Handouts & Giveaways

- Contact info for those you may need to talk to. You never know when wi-fi will be down

- Return labels

- Re-packing supplies

- Comfy shoes

- Phone charger


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