Use technology to enhance your booth

You definitely want to leverage available technology when you can -- social networks, email newsletters, online contests, interactive kiosks which compliment friendly exhibitors.

Stay away from the temptation to all-out replace your booth staff. People still want to engage with people.

Your booth will be the eye candy necessary to draw attendees in.

Interactive displays can show your content and information as an on demand provider, focusing on technical knowledge, designs and specs, and other complex info which your booth staff may not be trained in.

Attendees can request information be sent for follow up, sign up for email newsletters and coupons, and enter their contact information, ensuring you get the correct vitals.

You'll definitely want your staff trained to be able to help folks who may have different levels of digital comfort.

Exhibitors often run power points on computer monitors which loop through your messaging. You can instead, integrate this with your kiosk so you don't need the monitor.

In a future post, I'll investigate vendors offering these kinds of digital services.


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