Exhibitor 101: Engage attendees with questions

There is nothing worse than visiting a booth where staffers are dull and uninviting and ask nothing more than "How is the show going for you?".  A well-prepared booth staff will be able to create compelling conversations with show attendees.

It is very important for your booth staffers to ask questions which will engage attendees and create conversation. Questions can be open-ended, to stimulate ideas and find out more about the attendees needs.

Begin by incorporating the basic building blocks of "Who?", "What?", "When?", "Where?", "Why?" and "How?". Personal stories work well, especially as examples of how a particular product or service helped someone.

Convey an industry tip which may teach the attendee something which they may not know. In fact, maybe it's something they're not supposed to know -- an industry secret which you're letting them in on. Maybe it's a way they can save money by buying HVAC off-season. They'll appreciate showing off how well-educated they are that they already knew it or they'll learn something new to be excited about.

Make your staff is super-prepared with sets of questions, responses, and ways to overcome objections -- a prepared staff will pull in the best leads.

The more educational the booth visit can become, the more a potential customer will remember your company.
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