5 things your home show attendees are thinking when they enter the conference

We all share the knowledge that trade show participation is a great way to generate new leads and brand awareness.

* The average attendee is educated and entrenched in the mobile and social world. They'll talk.
* They come in thinking they're not going to buy anything --- but they're hungry to learn everything.
* They may be informed about your staff, policies, specials, etc. from your website and individual LinkedIn profiles.
* Many attendees at average business trade shows come for the giveaways or literature. Not at our homeshows - they're mostly looking for specific ways to improve their home lives.
* Attendees are likely to be informed about your competition, so don't claim ignorance of competitive products or services. They'll be impressed at your mindshare of the competitive landscape if you present them with fair intelligence and bulletproof differentiators.


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