Your show marketing efforts yield conversions long after the show ends

If you're like most eager marketers, you're looking for immediate payoff on your hard-earned marketing dollar.

Truth is, there are multiple levels of payoff and multiple types of "conversions" from which you can relate back to your booth investment.

The first conversion can happen at the booth itself, if you're actually selling product or taking sign ups for a seminar or meeting. It also differs in how you valuate your conversions: for some marketers, a simple handshake introduction or newsletter subscription is considered a win.

The next step in measuring show conversions might occur in your post-show follow up efforts. If you're calling into the names your team collected at the booth, you may then convert some of the names into actual prospects. Many of the names are then placed into more complex campaigns, consisting of ongoing email, direct mail or telemarketing pings.

You also need to track web leads resulting from the show - make sure to include the name of your trade show event as a referral option on your inquiry forms, so as to differentiate these leads from those generated by Google, Bing, PR, or Word-of-Mouth referrals.

Long-term, your booth time will have likely generated many more conversions than you initially considered at the end of your show. If you've integrated social marketing efforts into your pre and post-show marketing efforts, the rewards may be tremendous.
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