Upcoming Bridal Expos stretch from CT to Florida

I'm proud to be able to present three extremely successful bridal expos which proceed down the east coast like the long train of a beautiful bridal gown.

The Connecticut Bridal Show Expo is the largest bridal show on the East Coast and quite possibly in the country. Returning to the Connecticut Expo Center, with easy access from I-91 & I-84 and unlimited parking, this huge show gets bigger and more extensive every year!

The 12th Annual Baystate Bridal Show Expo, has relocated to the Hynes Convention Center. The Baystate Bridal Show is fast becoming a tradition in the Boston area. Add easy access to the Hynes Convention Center from all major highways and Boston's mass transit system, and it's easy to see why the Baystate Bridal Expo continues to be successful and popular with Boston area Brides-To-Be.Brides-To-Be.

The South Florida Bridal Show Expo, opens at the South Florida Fair Grounds in West Palm Beach, Florida, February 13, 2011. The atmosphere will sparkle with glamorous gowns, elegant formal wear, door prizes, fashion shows, live music and entertainment, DJs, photographers, videographers, limousine services, ice-sculptures, breathtaking floral designs and food samples from the finest caterers and banquet facilities in the region.

With a proven format of combining fashion shows with a huge vendor presence, our bridal shows offer couples the unique opportunity to shop for every facet of their wedding needs in one location. What a time saver for busy working people, to find everything they need in one weekend and at one bridal show! And not just one, but several of each bridal product or service, providing a wide variety of styles and prices to suit every taste and budget.


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