3 Things Attendees Expect to See at a Trade Show

There are at least three main expectations every trade show attendee has. When they enter the exhibit hall, the attendee expects:

* To be approached, pitched and persuaded. Sometimes if they aren't pitched, they may feel you don't really want to be there. A glance of an eye and a smile will let them know you're acknowledging them, and if they're interested, you'll gladly inform & educate. A little too strong - and they'll keep on walking.

* To be bribed with the latest gadgets, gizmos, tchotchkes, literature, contests, giveaways, coupons, flyers, etc.. - they expect you to fill their show bag. The nice thing about our home shows is there is a lot less of this type of showmanship -- and much more education and information. Professionals working with people to discuss how they can help you.

* To find out what's new with your company -- what new products or services you're offering. No one will become a fan of a stale company. Attendees really do want to find out about exhibitors' recent developments, growth and news.

Of course, they're also going to want to know what makes your company a better choice than the exhibitor three booths down. Differentiate yourself!


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