Custom Trade Shows - Why put on a trade show?

When trying to come up with new marketing ideas, and trying to get past the usual direct mail, print, and advertising ideas, why not put on a custom trade show for an industry you are targeting...for example, if you are a real estate agency that is opening up a new office, and you're looking to attract more referrals from your new town, you could sponsor a local trade show for all businesses in your area. Focus on banks and mortgage companies as your anchor booths, supply them with some custom promotional items like post-it pads and pens, and before you know it, you'll have some leads. They'll test you with a few lower level referrals first to see how you work with their clients, but if they trust you, they'll open up their databases to you.

For example two, I'll use an accounting software company that specializes in software for manufacturing companies. Put on a manufacturing showcase, sponsored by your organization, and you'll gain front and center exposure to your target market.

There is literally no limit to what the creative business imagination can do!


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